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Library ADDRESS:
86 Mountain Road
Rte. 242
Montgomery Center VT.05471


Library Hours:

Monday 10 AM - 3 PM, 4 PM - 9:30 PM

Tuesday 10 AM - 3 PM

Wednesday 10 AM - 3 PM, 4 PM - 9:30 PM

Thursday 10 AM - 3  PM

Friday 10 AM - 2 PM

Saturday 10 AM - 2 PM

Sunday 10 AM -12 PM

New Streaming Service with your library card! Check it out!!!!!



Mondays from 10 AM-11:30 AM @ The Library.


For infants, toddlers, pre-schoolers, and their parents.

Building Bright Futures is a non profit, public-private partnership authorized by law to improve the systems that serve Vermont’s young children and families. As a host for the program, Montgomery Building Bright Futures features age-based activities to stimulate learning and early development. This program is FREE and provides a great opportunity for new parents and children to meet, socialize, and learn.

More information about the State program at

For more information about the Montgomery branch or to volunteer or donate, contact the MTL librarian.


Our Summer Reading Challenge, Book Genre Bingo, is back again for another summer! Pick up your card to play! There are 4 cards available to play, Adults; Young Adults, Juveniles; and Kids Bingo cards. Mark off 5 boxes in a row and collect a prize.

Mondays from 10 AM-11:30 AM @ The Library.


For infants, toddlers, pre-schoolers, and their parents.

Building Bright Futures is a non profit, public-private partnership authorized by law to improve the systems that serve Vermont’s young children and families. As a host for the program, Montgomery Building Bright Futures features age-based activities to stimulate learning and early development. This program is FREE and provides a great opportunity for new parents and children to meet, socialize, and learn.

More information about the State program at

For more information about the Montgomery branch or to volunteer or donate, contact the MTL librarian.


Marlene Hambleton

Library Director

A volunteer group that hosts public events to benefit the Library


A volunteer group that hosts public events to benefit the Library

Friends of the Montgomery Town Library is a volunteer organization created to increase funding opportunities for our community library. Currently the main sources of income are from the town and the annual silent auction. The “Friends” organization has non-profit status, making us eligible for grant opportunities not available to the Town Library.

Membership and donations are also tax deductible. Our goals are to:

  • Raise money above the operating budget.

  • Provide additional programming.

  • Help with the library “wish” list.

  • Build community support for the library and awareness of all that it provides.
    Consider joining us and becoming a member of “Friends of the Montgomery Town Library.” Your support is vital to our success. "Friends" applications can be obtained at the library, on bulletin boards around town, or printed from this link:  Friends of the Montgomery Town Library Form.

Visit the CALENDAR page to see what else is happening monthly at the Library.

Links to Library resources:

E-books & Audio Books
E-books & Audio Books

The new app option from Green Mountain Library Consortium for borrowing thousands of e-books and audio books for your hand-held device. or at the google play store.

 Audio Books &
Digital Streamimg Service
Stream Movies
Stream Movies

Kanopy is an on-demand streaming video platform for public libraries and universities that offers viewers a large collection of award-winning films, documentaries, and children's programming.

VT Online Library
VT Online Library

Search a wide array of electronic information databases on a variety of topics geared to a variety of age levels, for both generalists and specialists.

Online Library
Online Library

Free online catalog.

Set up an account and view what books you have out, when they're due, renewal options, and book reservations.

Make suggestions for your library.

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